
We Are A War Clan! - English speaking ONLY - Serious players Only. Looking for players that can 3 star their own townhall level. Most importantly have fun and clash on! Over 300 war wins

United States
War freq.:
L Name D R T
182 Jota Be E 0 0 4035
191 Owais C 0 0 3860
165 john E 0 0 3417
236 Trouble L 324 53 3194
191 Chris E 0 0 3118
178 Blwke E 0 45 3001
215 Tim E 51 0 2884
177 Choop E 0 0 2854
120 Dr Strange E 2 0 2841
134 PrototypeDSA E 0 0 2834
169 hhpptommy043 E 15 124 2795
238 Hugeberry 0 0 2723
145 Moster 0 0 2661
153 Chris 0 0 2490
170 dad 0 0 2448
156 The dark knight E 0 0 2387
125 {_zallu_} E 0 0 2383
164 S3nkage E 0 0 2342
182 Jafar 0 0 2305
184 rosaa(: E 0 0 2261
157 SirGodnus 0 0 2254
146 Gavin 0 0 2227
178 Shano▪️Drano 0 0 2210
157 ajm 0 0 2170
127 doctoberfest 0 0 2162
139 zain oio 0 40 2157
141 Dk-Nk 0 0 2099
170 lukamous C 0 0 2088
147 Toomers E 0 0 2058
110 petodigabbiano E 0 177 2050
146 Lil Joker E 0 0 2039
139 Derik 0 0 1969
108 Pouk sa 0 0 1942
136 Robbie 0 0 1936
201 Sir Geowge 0 0 1890
128 CALVIN#15 0 0 1887
151 Zain 0 0 1865
104 Choop 2 E 0 0 1839
151 kad3r8ug2 C 45 0 1683
99 Fabian 0 0 1678
114 mj 0 0 1577
112 matteo 24 0 0 1557
141 warfox 0 0 1534
92 hen r y liu x y 0 0 1447
100 Blwke-2 0 0 1437
58 ToRo1899 E 2 0 1391
101 Wheat Thins 0 0 1335
79 Most #2 0 0 1237
46 bubu 0 0 1165
77 lynnsey 0 0 793
Event Time

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