Dragon Knight X

✅Active Clan War ✅Active Clan War League ✅Active Clan Capital ✅Active Clan Games ☕Rules? Read pinned post

War freq.:
L Name D R T
138 Davis86 0 0 4772
176 Galuhclasher E 0 0 4285
172 •SPARTA• E 0 0 4256
212 EnterWind C 321 0 4126
167 JerukPurut E 0 0 4124
192 pOetry loly 61 0 4024
169 ☆Piyan☆ 0 70 3796
191 GEA E 30 0 3629
139 ReedTube E 162 648 3558
126 ALIEN'S 0 0 3483
150 sembarang 0 0 3395
228 Ditya ska boy E 0 0 3385
178 Dendam77Beradik 0 0 3376
159 AZAREEL JR #7 0 0 3231
140 Ridwan Over Kil 0 0 3159
183 Ecka WaE 362 1123 3123
196 Nero's 0 0 3118
139 Baka Senchou E 123 0 3073
207 Dragon E 565 45 3049
185 <<[nizar]>> 45 255 3045
175 ANIIS 0 0 3002
136 arya.12 E 0 0 2953
200 Hyelim✨ E 956 0 2946
144 ®Kurawa®© 0 0 2912
168 crot 0 0 2910
147 ZHEN X 0 0 2749
141 Anggi Simarmata 0 0 2685
154 rio fauzie 0 412 2615
159 N I K O 0 122 2591
163 ЯФЯФЙФА ZФЯФ 0 0 2505
157 Ayunda LEona E 0 0 2357
159 PARMAN 27 0 0 2293
71 kontrol yang le 2 148 2263
118 simoz 40 0 2220
79 Dicky 0 171 2187
136 ТФИУ СНФРРЭЯ 0 0 2118
77 SEN*5 0 0 2074
169 nirajan E 361 0 2030
171 Cen 681 94 1848
180 SATRIA SABAR 82 47 1622
140 Far1 0 75 1611
185 David 60 0 1559
231 Md Yasir E 30 264 1337
146 Night Fury L 0 0 1279
173 TheNotorious 362 260 1144
102 Ayam23 E 0 0 1038
117 denier_doesat E 0 0 894
133 Phantom Ghost C 0 0 810
Event Time

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