Jesus Believers

We love Jesus. We are a Christian War clan. Rules: 1) Use BOTH attacks 2) Lower 1/2 of bases must attack w/in 1st 12 hrs of war 3) Must use all Heros 4) Follow war leader guidance 5) Follow all rules or get kicked.

War freq.:
L Name D R T
264 Patriot C 1713 5018 5308
242 Dizzy C 3530 3660 4928
245 Mama Bear C 167 0 4916
233 Mama Bear C 199 0 4894
211 Noodle 81 0 4842
241 LakEmOnster E 1431 1160 4787
221 LORD JEBUS E 284 0 4696
234 Dizzy65 E 4338 3165 4627
249 Brucemann L 84 0 4465
256 Ernie E 1756 2055 4450
230 Grunt90 E 2451 1668 4445
237 UncleFester C 276 474 4421
181 Death C 279 0 4333
242 fisher C 217 0 4326
236 HE > i C 1593 53 4299
229 jcbc2424 E 0 0 4142
198 Jiego C 1224 1822 3903
237 Diego C 2104 1927 3811
158 Dragon01012009 142 499 3686
221 ThornJaw 102 330 3676
241 Matthew 22:37 C 285 224 3660
220 One Star Tim E 17 0 3401
152 BRADY 0 0 3359
221 zak C 54 0 3348
234 James 5:19 C 0 0 3279
214 radtech E 119 0 3266
208 Doc.Holliday E 0 0 3228
197 K-ster 0 0 3218
253 double d C 584 1379 2956
175 KDOG KINGKILLER 0 0 2827
191 squirrel 0 0 2575
182 BOWLER 0 0 2569
176 Natethan 0 0 2560
196 Jimmy Dd 0 0 2391
127 andrew t 0 0 2273
179 joshua 0 0 2269
136 Joel.Joseph 355 0 2075
243 Jetta C 49 0 2042
106 Wyatt.Earp 0 0 1720
64 Curious George 0 0 1095
62 Greg 0 0 982
Event Time

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