
War freq.:
L Name D R T
248 P♣️U♣️S♣️A♣️T E 574 2972 5546
294 RUSHER DAI L 2538 2552 5436
287 Einstein Dai E 1924 2459 5379
345 01hsyn C 2829 880 5377
241 #İSRAFİL# E 277 867 5369
254 Peryton E 360 882 5358
245 ALEMDAR E 503 1550 5328
260 faruk0647 E 90 1660 5315
231 DarkLord C 260 1278 5301
273 Hüseyin57 C 860 798 5276
270 killer007 C 1172 1452 5271
266 SiRiNbABa C 405 234 5207
259 mustafa irak E 1933 1053 5174
259 Ozan Çifci E 390 115 5147
292 ˆDaRKeST_BLueˆ E 1802 995 5068
257 ^DaRKeST_aNGeL^ E 1156 883 5030
268 ower E 384 0 4984
244 RECEP ŞİMŞEK C 270 1059 4970
245 ☪️TR⚡"LEO❤LEA"⚡ E 0 0 4959
247 bosphore E 0 0 4922
238 ☪️TR⚡FeLictiy⚡ E 150 894 4921
201 #AVCI# 92 227 4841
245 pan's C 244 295 4834
246 NOAH E 54 172 4793
255 HSYN DAI E 5 1064 4774
258 diriliş ahmet E 0 0 4647
199 KAYRA E 61 2997 4571
261 FeArLeSss 34 E 70 374 4233
246 diriliş tayfur E 0 0 4230
251 Erkan E 0 0 4072
259 osman E 312 463 4039
225 HAKAN 0 98 3651
229 Mr.ZeUs 1712 0 3624
249 *Türkiye Tim* E 0 383 3604
219 PUSAT 47 1822 249 3550
243 *Fatıma* C 3685 945 3455
218 F L O O K İ~ E 0 0 3145
238 Baybars 0 169 3117
249 《☆TheLegenD☆》 E 175 56 3060
234 ⬅️HELLBOY➡️ E 0 0 3002
236 ⚛FIRTINA⚛ E 0 0 2824
235 RedDawn E 0 0 2809
189 jarvis bero 0 0 2794
243 Hüseyin E 793 1478 2724
101 ophelia 0 0 2587
233 H İ L M İ s E 0 0 2281
46 hafsagul 4 163 990
Event Time

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