
welcome to bronzwic no swearing opt in or out of war if in do both attacks take part in games and league wars a must for all have fun.

War freq.:
L Name D R T
239 craig C 262 0 4902
229 Yash L 243 159 4896
224 CollateralKaos C 396 342 4795
155 xXWackyJackyXx E 35 0 4320
216 MISTRESS DEATH C 0 0 4096
258 Archie C 0 0 4065
214 Big Papi E 0 0 3941
222 Yarp C 1209 1155 3879
141 Efe E 66 124 3594
139 Aj LeHri E 0 951 3591
176 slugintub E 0 0 3508
134 @N@ND 62 194 3467
144 INCUBUS E 4 0 3245
160 yarp E 1132 1305 3219
112 Aarav☠️ 0 0 3104
181 Ghost Rider 0 0 2982
184 karun E 381 0 2948
141 CollateralDamag E 224 0 2887
173 shuaib E 0 0 2734
180 Hawkins E 0 0 2677
179 Ys C 159 141 2646
167 DANIEL E 0 0 2622
132 deniz 0 0 2609
214 fish E 0 0 2446
144 mythical 0 0 2376
142 cjtheking 0 0 2225
149 #HULKBUSTER# 0 0 2083
107 Pro Noob 0 0 2038
190 boris C 0 0 2004
73 siyam 0 0 1888
177 °°°°J.T.~~~~ 0 0 1783
112 Frog(•‿•) E 0 0 1768
130 BunnySlayer 0 0 1710
214 Red Devil Aveek 0 0 1628
210 Simmo E 343 80 1599
92 will 0 0 1463
125 POOCHIE 2.0 0 0 1394
83 DimsumSate 0 46 1315
105 slugintub 0 0 1221
67 Murat27Baba27 58 0 1080
65 dk_ 0 0 1079
80 Slayer2.0 0 0 1051
139 pickle tundra 0 0 990
82 arlie 0 0 963
69 Efe#2 0 0 835
Event Time

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