
stay active ❣️. Use all attacks in war💥💯. Give respect and take respect 😉. Don't use abuse language. please maintain donation ratio 💫.please be serious in war. searching for active playersso if you want then can join

War freq.:
L Name D R T
213 gore C 302 1142 5278
201 THE LAST KING 4 E 30 219 4895
231 Sandeep Mgr C 1057 490 4855
239 Htay Aung C 132 931 4525
195 COCPIayer. org. E 140 0 4431
230 SanDeeP MaGar C 1436 447 4421
210 Laxman xettri C 112 88 4271
239 Fighter sanju 119 30 4106
215 البارون E 0 0 3848
244 sanddy hunk C 0 153 3834
205 Chettri king L 102 134 3787
232 dipendar C 87 0 3599
208 Nepali king C 51 85 3346
184 nepalidon C 100 275 3241
191 m̀́à́h̀́è́r̀́ 0 0 3174
180 Junk C 60 0 3111
174 ﹰAyushthapa C 0 0 2965
190 TENGKU FAIZAL E 0 0 2955
172 junk 2 C 60 0 2906
149 مح مد E 0 309 2892
242 candyboy sajjan E 0 0 2860
189 Dodz 0 0 2856
209 Lord of coc C 95 5 2811
205 Starry E 0 0 2734
180 Man E 0 0 2655
155 DÉÄDDÊVÍL 0 0 2630
143 BIBO 0 0 2611
148 lord of coc 2 C 46 0 2531
177 sam E 0 0 2412
156 anjantmg E 0 0 2328
189 king C 60 0 2262
121 Zaw 0 0 1900
117 KURD UP! E 0 0 1818
69 THE LAST KING 3 319 0 1802
127 Paras E 0 0 1552
109 Dore leader 0 0 1363
146 Lord of coc2 C 0 0 1325
100 aryan E 0 0 1225
86 ew.not.H E 0 0 1032
Event Time

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