LegenDary nagas

1.Be active during war 2 .Ask specific troops for war. 3.for raid dnt ask troops level 4. Maintain ratio of troops received n being donated .. 5 .follow the rules .. fun loving clan bt active and serious in times of war. 6.no rush townhal 4 war

War freq.:
L Name D R T
257 REV BEN L 2191 57 5083
261 alOng12⭐⭐⭐ C 551 1612 4928
243 OsWalD PenGiUn C 153 0 4805
178 ÀSÅÑG E 254 100 3926
237 YounG Leri ßvß C 1045 2323 3874
188 CLASSIC GAMER C 47 0 3773
218 Pìkãçhü E 2160 1470 3609
197 Chief Tisen C 0 0 3572
226 Augustine's Kat E 0 0 3522
207 Ally Chishi C 0 0 3299
236 Witch-Boyfriend C 0 0 3255
225 neyan poj E 153 0 3224
188 john 0 53 3201
232 iHo SoiE 99 0 3175
142 BLIZZARD 2.0 E 1 45 3088
213 kaisii E 0 0 3042
118 CHIEF TIESEN E 0 0 2996
177 abenuo newmai E 0 0 2932
231 kilLers E 0 0 2807
220 ChanChan Tsangz 0 213 2797
220 TIA ROUGE 7 0 0 2662
201 c9hawks E 0 0 2661
139 Lusinho E 0 742 2586
163 INTROVERT...! E 75 47 2577
215 Yolo Kithan 9 E 0 0 2504
205 Hiroshi 0 0 2491
205 QuEeN AbE E 0 0 2455
134 shihrayio Koshu E 0 0 2448
182 ChelseAren E 0 0 2433
207 akhrietuo E 0 0 2339
182 ❌Monkey.D.Luffy 0 0 2319
163 Dark Viper 0 0 2316
137 ABOMINABLE NAGA E 0 0 2139
213 Kezhaseto 0 0 2090
107 shihrayio Koshu E 0 0 1960
142 KING OF TITAN⚔️ 0 0 1808
150 ~LOGAN FTW~ E 3 70 1673
54 zzzzz 0 0 770
Event Time

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