looking for new people of any rank. watch language, over 18 mature clan. post age, location, and a joke when asking to join. constant war and we expect you to contribute to clan games and clan capital. Donations- Max troops for war, any level for non

United States
War freq.:
L Name D R T
265 KISS C 581 0 5165
260 Jeremy C 5237 6390 5040
260 Kerak C 4263 3183 4994
250 Aidan E 4849 6293 4989
229 bobo C 3661 4118 4964
254 Svenk C 3032 3725 4909
198 drago C 4158 3791 4825
256 dummerdrummer C 1148 0 4825
228 bruh C 5516 4929 4603
254 Off n da Corner C 712 478 4471
202 Buggy D Clown 3134 0 3906
238 Chuckzilla L 0 571 3692
138 SALIP !! 325 2750 3656
182 Darth Malone C 65 945 3608
223 Pazulo 610 0 3535
230 Runt C 471 0 3470
210 Hurlingmad Sr 60 97 3363
228 B187RAD C 137 0 3312
155 Fallen 0 77 3217
228 TheChad C 0 176 3138
144 coop 0 0 3115
202 Zarenity 3 521 3100
209 XenoGeneration C 0 0 2896
163 de10z 0 0 2853
139 Atllas C 0 0 2850
138 Ryan V.3 0 383 2833
123 mcflurrystraw 2 0 2729
205 Chuckimus Prime C 0 415 2720
247 lionofjudah643 C 364 496 2717
136 ZeChallenger 2105 1149 2677
129 reegonw 0 0 2662
216 LordNoct E 845 583 2659
156 lil toosie E 0 0 2653
230 Warhog 0 103 2562
164 xJeremyx 0 0 2447
134 needohoink 0 0 2430
213 toph C 0 0 2318
165 B 187 RAD E 0 0 2209
140 Wild Tengu 60 0 2183
94 chakolero 0 0 2067
176 P00PY PANTS C 0 0 2046
76 chicken legz 154 31 1932
105 stoweplow 0 0 1908
123 Numnuts96 0 0 1876
127 lil drummer boy 50 0 1741
101 BaneBoy 0 0 1604
132 Pelleu10 0 0 1448
69 Hellozium 0 0 1415
51 ZeChallengermin 2 340 1262
Event Time

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