Meat master

need high level players. join war and cwl

United States
War freq.:
L Name D R T
106 veasnazz C 1216 335 2753
117 warwartun love C 522 234 2281
58 lin E 0 631 1852
62 Vis E 346 380 1843
50 shakil 4 267 1807
94 Keokolo 750 0 1719
60 kiran kumar E 25 577 1681
58 BAPI dey 80 301 1664
60 pek 76 78 1655
78 Menghour 197 31 1527
53 greg 58 7 1525
58 matthoma E 704 137 1505
45 Veasna E 520 330 1487
69 ymlha 0 592 1475
62 venkat sai E 281 765 1421
53 anuj don 31 315 1345
74 CheetoBurrito E 585 208 1328
74 tondyy 0 0 1327
48 hkimasyh 0 351 1326
35 boss atl_ 0 0 1314
50 manish 0 399 1245
54 zen3ks 155 26 1238
48 RINNY GIYAN 0 0 1206
67 we g 0 124 1200
53 Kaung Hte☺ 45 535 1125
60 Eth super aa 25 258 1118
52 indrajith 0 112 1075
83 Mr. hoyt 0 0 1060
76 Ayush.1 0 0 1001
48 ķã Płaÿ 42 40 1001
55 rawatrockstar 92 356 972
78 Russkie E 155 60 969
51 elkaka 0 12 966
75 Nuke 0 0 947
54 Spirit Rage 2 0 0 944
37 whoscu 288 120 931
57 pao 0 332 929
34 CPT.RAVANA 0 0 925
52 SIKHA 0 130 913
32 Loganberry 0 0 899
39 anant@2009 3 15 889
52 MD.AJIJUL 0 0 796
36 Dhruv 1 0 781
35 shakal 4 0 765
31 Lawrs 0 0 633
25 khankings L 0 40 452
Event Time

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