Clasher Fans

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War freq.:
L Name D R T
204 Rishi C 107 193 3611
245 dioto C 0 0 3352
245 Leader C 0 0 3261
229 Dustin serpent C 0 0 3044
163 GEMS KING C 0 0 3016
232 Narendra Modi C 0 0 2907
138 sky king E 0 0 2665
108 Ab kaium E 0 0 2613
168 SAYAN C 0 0 2542
143 lion king E 0 0 2500
120 Mr. Bean C 0 0 2425
184 sajal monster E 0 0 2422
145 Davil E 0 72 2234
192 GOD FATHER{RIJU C 0 0 2154
138 IamZawzse E 0 0 2043
99 Rishi E 0 0 2018
130 KOZAN && BAKÜ E 0 0 1930
159 jenesis E 0 0 1908
119 aditya bagchi E 0 0 1828
124 Dj E 0 0 1826
106 ♣§₱.CENDANA E 0 0 1821
98 Thor E 0 0 1812
118 The Rock E 0 0 1653
187 Chiranjit Saha 0 0 1651
116 kirito E 0 0 1597
101 jenesis E 0 0 1514
211 The Chiranjit™ L 0 0 1512
77 Ayan bagwan E 0 0 1486
97 Ms♪Rafif E 0 0 1482
158 SumanChkravarty C 0 0 1459
91 Reyyzz° E 0 0 1414
81 হিরুর 40 35 1406
48 Mr.SAYAN C 0 0 1373
114 mr bana E 0 0 1351
111 INDIAN ARMY C 0 0 1188
74 Yoddha Subhajit E 0 0 1136
158 King Of Hawk C 0 0 1012
89 The FiERCE C 0 0 1002
129 INViNCiBLE C 0 0 980
Event Time

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