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War freq.:
L Name D R T
182 Blancoz E 20 144 4805
179 prodrigues5 E 0 0 4643
181 tulinnnn E 0 47 4635
167 Izuku Midoriya E 363 232 4507
230 Rick L 447 225 4460
193 Mika E 31 0 4304
188 Kazisk E 590 0 4200
185 destruidor Leon 626 668 3906
197 painWilliam C 0 0 3864
241 Abençoado E 516 0 3607
160 pedroo 0 0 3573
149 Brun__._.__ C 633 327 3465
215 savyo2 C 0 0 3394
151 biel ip7 E 0 237 3294
203 edivan=-O E 0 0 3257
147 YanXL 44 774 3242
178 igor alves E 0 0 3195
179 XxthealigatorxX E 0 0 3141
198 sunorake E 0 0 3129
175 gustavo E 183 287 3121
127 dragon_fire E 0 0 3083
140 Opex 0 141 3063
149 Kjuty E 0 0 3052
172 ✌×NINJA×✌ E 0 0 3037
177 kain nao C 165 49 3034
181 Guilherme Augus 235 0 2973
178 ~Alíçia~ E 0 146 2963
177 mateus E 63 165 2893
168 DEADPOOL E 1411 688 2887
155 krawk E 245 492 2845
130 Dark SHINAIDER E 0 0 2623
139 divine fingers E 0 0 2584
187 Kapytanio C 0 151 2547
136 Groot 0 0 2434
158 RG 31 0 2306
136 OM ¤ Čøīšå1 ¤ C 0 0 2273
129 SON GOKU 548 970 2241
162 LARISSA E 0 0 2151
145 savyo5 E 0 0 2138
213 Sniper20 0 0 2103
119 username 0 72 2090
169 Leonardo 0 0 2083
107 Mega_Trom®✓ E 2 67 2067
47 Wvy E 76 174 2008
152 renan 0 0 1867
96 draco 0 0 1292
111 Rich C 0 0 1180
118 Savyo4 E 0 0 772
Event Time

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