🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳Welcome to this clan✨elder is free✨bad words should not be used ✨co is to earn by completing clan game first and if you don't play we will kick out you ✨use both attack in war✨ always respect yours leader and co leader ( palampuriye)

War freq.:
L Name D R T
141 TANU कोहली L 0 0 4418
220 RAHMAN_KOYE E 792 199 4004
215 HABORYM C 3 78 3871
208 Rahul dogra C 988 0 3696
191 LOKI✌ C 78 332 3685
188 kwexa E 0 0 3367
163 ResaPakeZ C 166 77 3311
140 Brelena E 230 1251 3260
134 CAMBODIA.1887. E 678 288 3198
151 The beast C 126 0 3051
176 Yeti_YT C 470 0 3027
160 AIOMINE DAIKI E 0 470 2991
153 Shubhamkohliz C 247 0 2895
115 PSYCHO E 0 67 2704
119 SNOW⚔️LEOPARD C 249 231 2699
120 TSD_Namfron E 0 0 2675
114 Super giants E 0 514 2563
182 Blaze drag E 0 0 2377
184 ꁅꃅꂦꌗ꓄ E 90 0 2326
117 Kohli C 17 0 2138
123 Israfil C 0 0 2005
167 DeAd☆ClOnE C 0 0 1996
109 X. BaDsHa. X E 57 438 1990
90 YASU C 58 20 1873
73 SKYNET E 0 82 1828
175 ImranGoldDigger E 1207 60 1813
110 sarah E 42 200 1717
82 Sidhumoose wala E 37 0 1701
122 S C A R Y E 0 0 1621
93 Wixload897 0 72 1618
77 Abhishek E 0 417 1617
55 nishu E 0 74 1590
106 EricTheMan 0 0 1553
75 P.E.K.K.A E 0 31 1370
99 J o T e N HEiM E 0 95 1341
65 X RITIK X C 0 0 1163
136 AlwisHeshi E 0 0 1100
Event Time

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