g'mot ABADI

15 November 2017 🎓👏 bersama kita bisa , berantas lawan seperti memberantas koruptor kotoran bangsa !!! 🔫🔫.......hajar terus tanpa lelah !! 💪👏

War freq.:
L Name D R T
168 meguri C 433 614 5185
179 deni C 213 142 4938
171 Hellaa E 0 0 4770
203 HeathSlater14 E 0 0 4770
194 Aegon Tagaryen C 550 78 4431
201 THE Ghou-Houk E 0 0 4158
177 rully rulles C 95 15 4091
108 Coolman E 0 0 4090
225 Iman Dalimunthe L 1440 308 4064
150 do Goodboy C 238 569 3896
199 ADITYA04 C 375 40 3873
158 PecelBoyS E 78 78 3778
202 Rohman E 90 76 3638
154 WELLY CLASHER E 600 921 3550
122 Ronin E 260 1037 3397
164 BETOX'S E 580 449 3228
147 ruly#201 E 0 0 3189
188 Qw`Alpinstar✓ E 0 234 3149
210 Syahrial Iman C 526 0 3073
195 wak GENK C 169 32 3023
195 Milla Sari E 306 0 3006
175 Blue Fire C 286 0 3006
174 Optimus_Prime C 81 0 3002
192 Nur Hafsah E 280 0 2958
179 SRX 158 E 451 252 2930
162 Trisula86 E 0 45 2892
145 gmrzimbqh E 0 141 2722
165 Putra JAWA C 612 0 2687
170 Miss Angle C 783 232 2675
146 Tanpa Nama✨ E 0 113 2559
119 Khalid Bin Wali C 166 0 2547
60 meguri#2 E 98 0 2458
107 RANCDC E 0 2499 2404
169 lasha E 0 0 2277
121 Hugo E 0 0 2269
155 Monsterfreaks E 0 77 2268
106 Pikachu E 52 0 2258
194 si bodoh E 914 1318 2200
98 Kids Angel E 186 144 2135
132 MERTABELA E 59 1287 2105
177 protozoa E 96 0 1948
142 KYRARA E 0 0 1932
171 ~♥R.I.Z.K.I♥~ E 90 0 1897
193 Cheeryl E 0 0 1755
128 doraemon lin E 0 111 1625
168 QUEEN. E 1895 0 1603
80 libe E 0 0 1344
Event Time

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