Miss You "WAZIR"..(Sitaram) you will be remembered forever bro..#R.ip🙀🙀 We have Whatsapp group inform to any co leader to add in group, Players will be taken to both war and CWL regularly. Clash On 👍

War freq.:
L Name D R T
281 MARATHA RAJE L 55 58 5019
255 Rathi C 124 171 4934
190 Shamik 0 0 4854
222 Ameer E 0 0 4172
209 G.NANDINI C 0 0 4165
249 rohan raone E 58 0 4025
249 Divyansh C 0 0 3789
252 Hariharan C 116 0 3510
210 ⭐️⭐️fahad⭐️⭐️ E 0 0 3502
241 you E 0 0 3382
231 GENTLEKILLER E 0 0 3153
206 mustafa E 108 45 3115
180 RONAK E 0 0 3066
178 Aditya 0 154 2978
199 $#R! E 0 0 2861
167 ÃJÃY 0 0 2765
170 ZEON E 0 0 2749
129 lakshmanan E 0 2 2740
212 jotiba (JP) C 0 0 2611
205 Mayil E 0 0 2602
168 zaps E 0 0 2574
226 MarqueZ E 0 0 2567
233 Räñgîllä C 0 0 2520
177 JAYESH7627 E 0 0 2486
195 Killer Knight C 0 0 2465
165 k10 E 0 0 2418
159 Bad Wolf E 0 0 2361
219 ®WAZIR® E 0 0 2308
226 Indian Sniper C 0 0 2266
162 Prashant E 0 0 2103
234 sathi indian E 0 0 2094
108 kinght rider E 0 0 1950
61 sk__official 0 31 1920
144 kiran 0 0 1876
147 #AMEER13 E 0 0 1861
192 Rangila 2 E 0 0 1714
141 Aj E 0 0 1707
121 sharma 0 0 1621
139 TONY STARK 0 0 1368
154 sreeram 0 0 1249
57 rathi 0 0 708
17 jayant C 0 0 467
Event Time

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