Kapampangan Ku

Give and Take Tamu Po. If you want to be a good leader you must be a good follower.. Respect Begets Respect. Kapampangan or Ali,Welcome Keni. FB page - (KAPAMPANGAN KU) Messenger GroupChat: COC Clanmates.. EST 2018.4.18

War freq.:
L Name D R T
209 Chemm E 111 1112 5067
254 TrynKat C 930 470 4895
233 CKpngnbn C 60 265 4796
242 angie C 0 0 4728
261 Vandenbroucke. 0 203 4708
181 bruce 107 0 4707
252 jenkins C 2154 1759 4485
233 souleater123 E 424 83 4382
221 ENGRSE7EN 116 53 4365
245 ARWEN E 793 798 4334
205 Dragon_Rider E 298 1014 4261
190 burnik 0 0 4156
216 "GODBLESS" C 30 524 4125
273 Daybin L 2961 913 4110
244 ritz C 279 123 4092
234 Bheng E 1010 997 4028
246 NibyaD C 1464 747 3932
252 PADRINO E 971 973 3832
236 ✔s口n-kїng-r口m ツ C 299 0 3814
251 rain.jr E 1783 1977 3627
193 YoungBlood47th E 0 0 3614
233 HenryCamsDwayne E 0 193 3427
228 Flipkulit E 148 0 3409
240 enuhj C 0 0 3303
213 makoolith C 1254 1680 3184
203 archpels E 0 0 3112
213 Clash26 E 410 702 2927
212 ASTA 0 0 2863
166 Samael 0 0 2754
233 terminator17.. E 0 0 2679
154 Dk_02 C 0 0 2663
154 kiyotaka E 0 0 2596
152 Baby DayLe E 56 231 2474
220 treblig C 106 180 2377
155 YUNO 0 0 2354
215 MOLINA E 30 166 2331
207 mr. treb atlas E 90 167 2293
117 kingrie E 0 0 2259
103 son E 0 554 2217
86 "YUKIHIRA" 0 0 2200
108 louiejade 0 0 2167
162 ACE TORRES 0 0 2096
129 JORDAN:> 0 0 1977
75 AtS0813 0 0 1210
139 R1CH E 0 0 1077
Event Time

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