Welcome to Indian Agents! 1. 500 donations for co. 2. Behave and be kind to other members.

War freq.:
L Name D R T
182 shahid khot C 296 127 4844
167 choudhary C 0 0 4821
175 Patodia's town L 1190 1538 4723
218 garvit C 3191 559 4652
146 mawrie7 C 0 0 4236
179 NEGA-T1VE C 0 0 4084
216 Nipun E 34 489 3841
169 RISHABH C 753 90 3747
176 comander C 0 0 3664
219 Uppugamingyt E 0 0 3613
187 LADUGOPAL C 821 737 3305
129 anant E 260 683 3266
184 sarvesh E 0 48 3125
170 Thunder city E 340 483 3094
196 rab E 0 0 3064
147 darpan gupta E 0 292 2916
112 m force 0 0 2889
149 THE ROCK HERO E 0 0 2823
130 gabbar E 0 0 2712
148 NMJ E 0 892 2666
120 Priyanshu C 2 288 2545
158 dk1290 E 0 0 2379
134 THE DICTATOR 29 C 0 230 2363
99 Dev C 1169 596 2362
128 Dinesh C 0 0 2259
150 ARSHU E 20 0 2253
120 gautam E 277 1002 2248
117 CROWN DEFENDER E 0 69 2243
202 SunVolt C 563 805 2170
140 Rajesh E 0 0 2097
129 speedster E 0 0 2060
144 Ac.B06 E 0 0 2042
149 RajputDevil' E 0 0 2040
87 JOcapudo E 0 0 1936
118 shru jaini E 0 0 1920
116 mahi E 0 0 1908
97 M.C.B. E 0 0 1880
122 Badmash E 0 0 1864
143 KING DEV C 0 0 1809
113 vivek C 0 0 1630
111 Prasuk Baid E 0 0 1422
96 TookaG E 0 0 1387
93 EclIpsa C 0 0 1103
16 Rish10 E 0 0 511
11 mak 0 0 383
Event Time

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