Cek WARLOG & baca deskripsi baru join, CLAN DEWASA/PEKERJA Aktif dijam istirahat dan malam hari diatas jam 20:00wib, war non stop, attack sesuai klaim target/konfirmasi/sesuai kondisi, attack dgn kepala dingin biar hasil sempurna 💯. 💪💪💪

War freq.:
L Name D R T
241 ⭐⭐BW⭐SAM ⭐⭐ 12 0 5154
210 GETIH BIRU 65 0 5040
207 KiaEstu E 7057 4750 4813
230 NUSAKAMBANGAN C 8206 4788 4807
179 Andie04 E 480 2714 4679
157 LordPatron 545 576 4660
169 アリフサム™ E 522 934 4647
243 yan 123 E 3446 0 4609
217 NAMAGUE? C 2705 1727 4517
107 Demam Classic C 7140 4589 4505
216 c4hyoc4 C 5779 6317 4441
157 SANGGA LANGIT 32 0 3851
143 alvira 135 154 3792
95 Tri mc 2 E 68 310 3676
233 STRONG. E 2264 2923 3529
57 Genep'2 war L 811 4797 3337
96 NiLhana E 151 1131 3322
160 FUZY E 488 1215 3218
180 Kaji Patoni C 266 0 3163
188 " Kaji Kasan " E 225 0 3107
118 Mr.Tamvan E 58 191 3090
121 Drey E 704 742 3082
191 Nikko E 0 144 3063
134 fahril :3 E 0 142 2765
205 rambo E 314 0 2761
180 # MNA # C 303 0 2723
158 kaji ya'eb E 93 0 2705
57 Faz Strom 0 58 2574
101 Guy Fawkes E 154 2006 2565
188 finza E 517 83 2515
208 indonesia E 311 494 2504
83 ThailandCung E 72 1219 2491
99 boLerrr E 45 432 2408
153 indonesia 80 538 2407
146 Anonymous 999 E 3444 1902 2381
124 indonesia E 32 156 2344
94 zZz¿ E 118 128 2240
92 HeThao C 270 718 2007
94 selgi E 37 718 1765
79 iZrAiLL E 43 0 1759
103 KEISYA C 0 0 1550
62 Andrew C 54 30 1504
86 aziz E 0 0 1168
61 ranita C 0 198 942
52 *Dinda* E 0 0 872
53 acil21 E 0 0 804
Event Time

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