united war

War clan. War rules apply. Heroes must be up in war. Chill environment. Have fun!

War freq.:
L Name D R T
180 àñsh E 996 1119 5006
176 dark clone 0 269 4895
185 naveen 0 829 4863
208 Titul2 C 0 556 4842
240 B-easy C 125 0 4355
173 DHIR 1135 566 4299
162 Dhruvish patel 0 0 4154
197 Toetsoccer16 0 0 4029
206 Pevonz95! 0 0 3724
173 droid 30 0 3377
247 Marko C 1733 1210 3339
215 julius cesar C 2 198 3307
196 hitman handsome 0 0 3304
101 Marcher 54 35 3237
208 CF√Suryansh019 E 0 0 3190
247 Snowfenis L 2412 842 3100
205 Aditya E 0 136 3048
131 Titul3 C 186 145 3045
232 molati C 0 0 3025
214 molati2 C 0 0 3004
195 vinayaktrips C 0 0 2920
203 Capt. Bonslayer E 0 0 2828
239 walid C 580 0 2793
153 Dhrumil 100 957 2761
149 ELITE¥T E 0 0 2742
188 Prabhjot singh 0 0 2589
155 anobious 0 125 2506
225 dio C 0 0 2494
127 Vinayaktrips2 C 0 0 2416
123 GoGamer3112 0 30 2375
141 droid2 5 0 2367
119 Bhavya 0 0 2318
147 hehe 0 0 2235
141 Orange Juice 2 0 2171
132 Joshh212 0 0 2167
115 Immortal guy 0 0 1988
138 DIOmaster 0 0 1935
139 King Dobyman C 0 0 1849
106 Suri.1891 2 0 1747
97 DHIR 0 77 1651
53 xeo 0 269 1609
108 Dark Destroyer 0 0 1504
101 julius cesar v2 C 6 0 1503
125 dhruv 0 0 1501
145 hitman. man 0 0 1494
66 SWORDiGO 0 0 1449
61 Titul4 0 0 1380
87 mayur 0 0 1380
61 AJAXKROCKS 0 5 1249
61 Pateldhruvish-2 0 0 995
Event Time

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