
Donate 1st b4 u request. Do not ask 4 immediate promotion or else you will be ____ed ___.Loyal membrs for 3 months will be promoted 2 CO-LEAD wid 1000 donation,... respect each other specially ur co lead n lead, W-E-L-C-O-M-E guyz....

War freq.:
L Name D R T
255 paneki L 526 159 4779
167 RUSHer C 189 154 2742
158 the attacker C 0 0 2731
184 ronn C 0 166 2618
145 Mikasa? E 0 0 2498
212 17**ERNS**17 C 0 0 2431
205 MASTER CLASHER C 0 0 2265
129 EUTOPIA E 0 0 2233
160 ^King Ian8^ E 0 0 2186
122 dayana E 0 0 2138
126 jayo x nowi E 0 0 2124
133 AMIR 0 0 2113
145 Chief Erns 17 E 0 72 2087
150 AGAPITO:) C 0 0 2077
136 jr E 0 47 1986
97 JONAIR-SARIPADA 0 35 1922
135 KUYA WIL E 0 0 1888
133 Goro E 0 0 1878
143 Kurumi? E 0 0 1872
79 $EricaMarie E 0 0 1519
148 sakura C 0 0 1421
89 ch0yax E 0 0 1362
127 Nadette's♡ C 0 0 1348
106 brownie 77 131 1311
79 @mat2x 0 0 1236
70 zintsky jeff 0 0 1235
78 Tilica E 0 0 1193
71 ilkerking E 0 0 1160
84 noemz E 0 0 1146
73 Nighthawk E 0 0 1117
70 DAI CHI 0 0 1021
101 Gwapo ba AKO? C 38 66 1013
98 gold C 0 0 996
69 werebackbrown E 0 0 975
76 Oreo C 0 0 967
54 DEMON 0 0 779
51 UCHIHA SASUKE 0 0 731
50 Yush 0 0 685
44 ryuken2 0 0 590
24 ಥ_ಥ 0 0 568
70 kEndrA GoN E 0 0 530
81 PRETTYME! C 0 0 508
Event Time

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