open for growing mid level plyrs . teach each other.support nd donate .participate in wars . have fun n be loyel .dont ask for elder or co. will be given once you prove yourself as a worthy team mbr. gud luck to u all. estd 12-11-16

War freq.:
L Name D R T
249 PROFESSIONAL C 168 0 3846
223 aushmaan L 323 0 3699
194 LetHal E 224 1514 3529
205 RYAN E 114 0 3527
210 anupa_M™ C 0 0 3453
204 Smash C 0 0 3349
203 Monuj E 48 0 3294
139 S H I N C 0 0 3241
217 ϲє∂яιϲ C 1593 0 2980
180 Rj Rohit E 122 462 2965
206 ABHIJIT NATH C 0 0 2926
170 legendary king E 0 0 2821
229 ᴜʀᴇ ʙᴀʙᴀ C 0 0 2771
114 suraj12 E 0 0 2657
143 Deba E 0 0 2584
189 suman yankee E 1170 646 2574
152 Biplob E 0 0 2552
168 PRITAM C 0 0 2523
142 Skull Kong E 2 0 2516
198 ⚓Deadly⚓ E 0 0 2497
186 SHADOW C 0 340 2482
177 !! xaVier!! E 0 0 2468
78 Trikal E 0 0 2456
172 devil C 0 0 2372
119 God level E 0 507 2367
148 RESHMI E 0 0 2324
109 Smokey Barrel E 0 0 2221
165 LetHal E 78 79 2195
156 Dev E 0 0 2104
154 Kanxu C 0 0 2071
150 johannes E 0 0 2061
141 Thunder storm C 0 0 1967
239 SAMRAT_BABA E 0 0 1954
202 RadbURn C 0 0 1939
125 ghostslayer E 0 0 1902
100 SANJU BABA E 0 0 1872
132 rajdeep E 0 0 1853
160 Bijoy ivor C 0 0 1786
130 Purbo C 0 0 1741
120 Rez E 0 0 1606
95 GuArdiAns_SatrA E 0 0 1394
112 sudip das 3 C 0 0 1351
57 Inferno E 0 0 1171
125 Hunter C 0 0 1135
54 Piyush E 0 0 819
19 BISHAL E 0 0 440
Event Time

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