the art of war

wel come to the art of war all member r welcome here donate troops what is requested all should us both attack in war if anyone will not attack he will demote or kick......... JAI AAI AXOM th8 n th9 max join here

War freq.:
L Name D R T
196 new Hope C 986 1786 4737
106 I$moiL C 169 1059 3646
113 ❎❎❎ HOPE ? C 63 0 3513
187 pranjal rock L 2924 0 3450
64 delta111 E 57 31 2371
133 destroyer C 6 0 2254
152 ✌ Guddu ✌ C 0 0 2246
127 Akkonn 0 0 2014
123 Critical X E 0 0 1823
45 Arjun E 0 52 1759
137 THE REAL KING E 0 0 1571
99 PIYUSH E 0 67 1560
53 John E 0 50 1529
130 AnuPaL E 0 0 1467
130 doneted king 15 0 0 1453
38 Debanshu E 2 0 1427
62 WhiteTruth E 0 425 1420
78 *** E 0 0 1416
143 Hero gogoi C 0 0 1393
86 yarn E 0 0 1348
44 wafiq E 0 0 1344
57 Kalyan E 108 26 1277
139 dragonite E 0 72 1262
60 Yuu•Gaming E 0 0 1133
97 devil 0 0 1127
138 Happy 0 0 1091
68 Marina E 0 121 1085
58 Mobline 003 E 0 0 1060
44 Lord Jay E 0 0 979
51 HOPE ? E 0 78 977
53 arish E 0 0 958
48 Ra Bin 0 0 951
44 neel 0 0 941
60 Akshay C 0 0 873
81 kyu007 E 2 0 820
34 ♥️♦️DAIS♣️♠️ E 0 0 701
31 Faizah E 40 314 660
7 vignesh 0 0 129
Event Time

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