lleyton awesome

highly active clan looking for members for wars and cwl. always maxed cg and donstions are always filled REBUILDING FULL MAXED CLAN GAMES

War freq.:
L Name D R T
220 HOSSEIN E 31 188 4856
243 gehh C 1743 2414 4821
159 IND।SUNNY 5 147 4494
204 Geh2 2379 1743 4295
238 ⚡️Thor⚡️ C 0 0 4207
150 DavePlayzYT 109 0 3981
236 Jamal C 0 0 3911
203 KHALED SEKMANI C 0 0 3325
216 Bgoggle C 0 0 3213
150 ⚡️ Thor JR ⚡️ C 0 0 3149
237 Im a MF BEAST! C 58 193 2942
217 McAsuncion C 0 0 2823
182 عباس E 0 0 2717
193 EricP10 0 0 2691
192 ANOOP E 0 0 2686
218 Alyssa C 0 83 2649
241 محمدخوجة 0 0 2539
183 lleyton L 10 77 2391
208 Andurckhes 0 0 2345
178 Arm breaker C 0 75 2224
201 THE GREAT ONE C 0 75 2217
177 ตวยลุงตู่ 0 0 2214
146 creeper93 E 0 0 2081
159 hiiii C 0 75 2063
205 ☆Harley☆ C 0 0 2024
123 Destroyer E 7 0 1999
100 Noni 0 0 1976
112 brady 0 0 1949
116 •A-A-Ron• 0 0 1922
142 GreaseLabs 0 0 1871
149 Jonathan E 0 0 1834
133 harley2 C 0 0 1766
193 Marco 0 0 1642
98 KrazyCamren 0 0 1553
263 recits C 786 58 1504
89 Lleyton 2 C 0 0 1342
77 brendan 0 0 1230
126 harley3 C 0 0 1189
73 justin7 0 0 928
Event Time

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