My Rules Is Simple: Play, Attack, Enjoy 😊😊😊

War freq.:
L Name D R T
208 GCD 29 C 2 0 4973
182 horhe26 C 30 0 4610
209 enan.cordovilla C 65 0 4594
145 bhongkz23 C 0 0 4296
229 Rene Garcia 0 0 4077
242 noel20 L 1943 0 4018
215 dlanor C 2309 0 3870
92 liza E 194 479 3779
226 im back" boy" E 0 0 3372
145 The legend26 C 0 0 3279
224 julio E 0 0 3252
184 Deadly Assasin C 395 5 3129
217 NoelKing C 1323 0 2935
140 hoshiumi#5 E 0 0 2918
209 NoelKambal C 80 0 2865
149 tomz2... E 0 0 2794
175 JEFFNETTE#03 0 0 2613
211 Noel Dave C 96 0 2567
72 JARVISION 0 0 2437
180 boss noel E 0 0 2390
187 NoelWarrior E 0 0 2378
131 sgt. noel E 0 77 2325
160 Noelito E 60 389 2316
189 Noel 1120 E 0 0 2309
140 Hokage@29 C 0 0 2209
78 ronalhen E 30 1504 2017
82 MORGANOK 2 E 0 0 2003
138 col. noel C 0 77 2002
127 major noel E 0 432 1923
86 Qatar Airways E 0 218 1920
123 kapitan noel E 0 504 1867
146 cc C 0 0 1846
119 1st Lt. Noel E 5 288 1686
111 2ndLt Noel E 0 216 1634
105 general noel 1 E 0 401 1621
92 assassin II E 30 558 1567
51 Dave C 0 0 1475
99 rr C 0 0 1467
105 general noel 2 E 0 469 1404
87 lei E 0 267 1216
53 kenken 0 0 1165
87 sawa sawa noel E 0 399 1075
69 bhong E 0 0 1008
86 Mekus Mekus E 0 329 988
65 falcon 04 0 0 962
67 falcon 01 0 0 855
66 falcon 02 0 0 849
32 bai bai 50 0 822
64 falcon03 0 0 820
Event Time

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