
Looking for loyal members, th 9 and up. Must participate in clan games and be willing to participate in clan war leagues! Looking for active members!

United States
War freq.:
L Name D R T
238 Mohanraj C 394 283 4961
244 Kramer L 249 0 4891
233 Warrior maiden C 1573 401 4858
215 Korex3 C 362 726 4400
224 Milky Way Mic C 449 954 3917
209 rward76 C 0 0 3880
215 dave8rennant 250 903 3612
189 べと 207 327 3418
222 Kevin C 265 219 3319
174 kaan53 0 0 3316
225 MathWizard C 0 0 3250
178 TheOverlord 0 0 3058
224 Pale Blue Dot C 0 0 3031
206 wakanda E 0 0 3004
172 Joshua 0 0 2934
212 emmar C 0 0 2887
153 DIEGO 0 0 2861
170 salvadormmmmm E 0 0 2826
141 TheClanClasher 0 0 2765
205 Warlock 0 0 2688
201 Imlegend 186 0 2548
186 The Đark Lord 0 45 2497
180 bulldogs177 C 0 0 2476
167 Lord Zeus 0 0 2425
189 calvotron C 0 0 2389
157 assaf 0 77 2388
131 Samaria 2 0 0 2373
130 GirthLord12 0 0 2348
116 Nanchaku 0 0 2145
155 Killer.k 0 0 2142
146 Braydon 0 0 2057
145 Jordan 0 0 1896
124 Mav 0 0 1860
100 MathWizLilBro 0 0 1843
120 JAIZUS 0 0 1722
105 SHOOTER 0 0 1585
Event Time

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