Daeng Panrita

Loyalitas, Solidaritas. No kutu loncat. Siap memberi dan jangan malu meminta. Jabatan karena kepantasan. 17+. Seantero SULSEL. Join?. Anda harus direkomendasikan atau min th7. #Salam 8juni2015

War freq.:
L Name D R T
188 Ardi E 0 427 3731
180 prow E 337 319 3148
173 IFALD1996 185 0 3038
183 I am • GARAGA 0 0 2861
174 ™PM°osama° E 0 0 2622
143 ifald C 31 0 2596
174 DANIL BETRAYER E 0 0 2575
109 VAMZ-PANGERAN E 0 0 2458
151 BL.C°Syamsul™ 0 0 2457
152 Bary C 0 0 2388
157 FITRHY 0 0 2381
163 adiyos 07 E 0 0 2380
152 Irfan'k 150 0 2331
163 GC Alisya E 0 0 2323
158 MF_Bary C 0 0 2320
170 BUHUNG LUARAcoc 0 0 2278
164 DoniKoro E 0 0 2191
144 Dhiidhy A.R E 242 372 2157
82 aw68 10 53 2055
155 lotenk E 0 0 1969
128 M ∆ N ° one E 0 0 1969
153 Inyhoel_chay L 0 0 1925
95 ifalddd 0 0 1736
115 Uchiha Madara 0 0 1714
98 G A R A G A E 0 0 1690
91 GC kakek merah E 0 0 1655
115 ayu 0 0 1644
85 ifalf2024 0 0 1611
104 Rasyid dilan☠️ 0 0 1606
105 Danil Mrx E 0 0 1584
228 rizwan freenk C 216 0 1529
108 one piece 0 0 1527
130 Win Saputra E 0 0 1515
90 OM.MAN E 0 0 1392
95 captain_phesek E 0 0 1291
73 sanjaya 0 0 1182
15 KAIZER 0 0 442
Event Time

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