uwe ntoli

welcome sahabat.. mari bersama berjuang. qta semua bersaudara...!!!JANGAN PULANG KALO BELUM PERANG..***👊👊👊 NB. yg kecil2 nyali jgn masuk di clan ini.

War freq.:
L Name D R T
164 joe L 67 0 3291
174 Dhon Lego C 267 648 3281
185 MYSN E 0 0 3222
142 BANG PARKA46 0 0 3166
173 Ichsan Hasan 227 322 2872
88 veronk29 0 0 2695
94 Qia07 C 0 0 2683
127 RAHIM HAIKAL 0 0 2512
209 PHE"Ncell C 0 0 2448
115 BO_TAK 21 136 2436
92 korokodi 0 0 2340
90 sLoYo07 0 0 2326
93 ERDUASEMBILAN07 0 0 2304
95 yatttt C 0 0 2276
114 kakaacel46 C 0 0 2254
171 abdi putra E 106 145 2136
177 ABDI C 0 145 2125
100 IJIK ESCOBAR C 0 0 2104
79 kaka27 0 0 2079
80 si_jago27 0 0 2053
73 IJIK LORONG C 0 0 1963
119 PHE"Ncell C 0 0 1954
78 adeta27 0 0 1944
112 nuar E 0 0 1938
121 PHE"Ncell C 0 0 1919
73 Joker27 0 0 1904
76 joe27 0 0 1857
93 mpompo29 C 0 0 1846
117 PHE"Ncell C 0 0 1796
132 AtHo"ncell C 0 0 1735
154 Spongebob 46 575 0 1651
119 BLACK E 273 110 1617
197 moh Riskhy C 0 0 1572
64 kaboro 0 0 1494
74 HaikaL #14 0 0 1414
70 Badut★JJ 0 0 1262
91 Zyy 444+ 0 0 1186
78 Zyy 999+ 0 0 1065
69 AC,CEL46 0 30 1052
Event Time

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