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War freq.:
L Name D R T
235 Grandski L 601 565 4939
166 Barbaridade E 0 156 4921
201 Vitor Abel C 0 0 4422
165 Augusto 0 0 4230
155 Isaaczeraa 0 0 4186
214 oMatias E 0 58 4128
179 Nelson's 83 231 3818
177 Roronoazoro E 0 48 3776
143 Jotapexx 0 0 3627
206 (((BETIM))) E 0 0 3626
162 claudio E 2 47 3519
169 Rian Maia 2.0 0 0 3481
181 HÉRCULES E 0 0 3440
193 POLAR SHELBY 0 47 3384
256 RED NATION E 127 226 3361
160 DZINN ❤ 0 0 3350
156 Marcelo 0 0 3297
204 ThiaGo MaThias™ 0 47 3263
187 FALCÃO E 0 0 3245
157 MatheusLourenço 46 122 3191
198 ~Diiego E 468 78 3163
140 warlock E 0 0 3150
266 GUSSBAR C 296 0 3149
157 guisp5 0 0 3113
134 erick 0 0 3045
154 J.w-tw/250 29 0 2993
153 iiSmokee 0 0 2831
159 Breezy 0 0 2785
161 italo 0 0 2762
198 lyra 0 0 2741
171 Grear 0 0 2739
197 edson faria C 0 0 2679
212 humberto 0 0 2630
187 Pé de Pano E 0 0 2630
203 Túlio E 0 27 2577
204 -Deku- C 0 0 2515
115 Gustwar 0 0 2366
135 rasal_god 0 0 2108
137 NAOFUMI E 0 0 2052
152 Killers-Dresch 0 0 2001
163 vila da gloria E 0 0 1974
178 xxDANIELxx 0 0 1924
195 ArchangelOFwar 0 0 1918
140 Merlin 0 0 1713
101 #Darkness 0 0 1692
92 Karla Kelly 0 0 1622
158 JVGFP 0 0 1406
67 GOLD7777 0 0 1130
Event Time

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