eagle indo

07/03/15. Member baru harus intro, jangan minta jabatan. aktif war, yg parkir harap minggir.Salam kompak 😘😘😘bersatu kita teguh bercerai kawin lagi😘😘😘 Welcome yg mau kembali bergabung 😘😘😘Join Group 085782710855,Lev 10 aula ibukota

War freq.:
L Name D R T
265 ray C 4376 4642 5349
177 PaP~T_T~ E 0 0 5213
262 Y U T A K A C 785 4343 5111
200 (Crows-Zero) E 50 0 4907
222 saprol 21 E 0 0 4900
198 Ķ Ä Ů Ț § Ä Ř E 0 1710 4898
253 Keysa N ayla C 713 58 4844
217 ndoro petruk E 2555 1724 4738
188 INDRA.M E 317 84 4473
182 HENDY GMS E 203 0 4331
206 ~ĐÃŘĶ.ÃÑĢÊĻ~ C 3702 1531 4078
191 Alfin1140 E 0 94 3966
212 Bodonx E 527 0 3852
227 W I L S O N E 960 393 3848
204 White Dragon E 448 709 3831
230 ⭐Mighty_Dragon⭐ 57 176 3802
199 iqbal E 275 0 3798
263 Mey mey L 163 88 3795
237 Black Dragon C 1084 576 3728
204 King Of Dragons E 606 582 3650
226 eswatu E 469 533 3618
213 JH16 E 505 1147 3584
159 BERANDAL 2 E 141 878 3517
222 Akhina Udin E 210 747 3423
210 AndrekalTzy E 132 366 3400
208 AuReLiA E 182 236 3239
177 AuReLiA✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌ E 1026 217 3128
245 Kami-SAMA C 1088 0 3122
223 RAFLESIA_MEY.ch C 521 0 3083
210 coco moy 1 E 77 0 3079
171 AuReLiA E 0 75 2974
168 AuReLiA E 841 576 2970
162 Aurelia ⅒ E 119 589 2883
Event Time

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