Christ 4 Life3!

WAR CLAN!...honor Christ. no cussing or rude behavior. All wars are fougt to win! Rejoice in the Lord always; again i say Rejoice! Let your gentle spirit be known to all men. The Lord is near. Phil 4:4,5....

United States
War freq.:
L Name D R T
197 Raed Manaseer 691 2465 4901
239 King Qua C 840 759 4453
242 Sir Twinkie L 3300 1367 4035
253 Sir Bacon C 2490 870 3870
152 Tallies 290 154 3735
216 THE EON 882 83 3732
222 subal 162 619 3483
226 YoMaMa C 367 382 3306
174 Anguka_F•R 102 0 3184
229 Spartan 396 382 3035
241 Mr. "P" C 70 0 2885
223 Bohemia. E 62 0 2844
189 Caleb E 1583 1258 2833
224 Amy C 144 78 2803
233 Mr. "C" E 90 0 2747
211 Joe Ma C 0 0 2678
135 Sir Omelette C 1412 964 2627
159 Vasu 935 1528 2626
221 kdog kahn C 0 0 2539
121 SALTY 131 0 2498
198 Bella E 0 0 2481
156 Mr G E 922 2040 2390
140 Curtis 0 112 2304
132 Mr G 2 1006 2638 2286
209 Toffi C 244 0 2272
149 Mr.Squid 0 0 2022
95 curtis 0 0 1770
123 hanré 0 67 1718
96 Ominous 45 264 1668
91 Bert 0 54 1589
114 Muffin 73 335 1504
124 toto 0 0 1454
94 Bman 0 0 1175
93 Bean Sprout 0 0 1122
77 Mr. Pielz 48 26 973
Event Time

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