future STARs

We need Active Players ! Respect each other! Always ask leader or co-leader for war att! Many req and many donate in our clan,fighting clan brothers. Thanks !

Myanmar (Burma)
War freq.:
L Name D R T
165 Lucifer E 0 0 4385
178 James MoriaTy C 0 0 3039
190 green king 0 0 2772
131 Nay lin aung(1) 0 0 2654
185 Potato E 0 0 2523
228 Oo Oo Ko Ko C 0 0 2444
91 Tin Moe Win E 0 0 2426
175 Scallies C 0 0 2345
217 Fake Smile L 0 0 2339
136 Assassin C 0 0 2331
106 Athena E 0 0 2311
176 BO NAY TOE C 0 0 2292
121 21 BL@©K MAMBA E 0 0 2223
101 mukarshi21 E 0 0 2203
206 BreathlessHeart E 0 0 2167
133 Ko Shine E 0 0 2145
211 Jae Hwa E 0 0 2108
132 bomoekyoe E 0 0 1969
117 Triple Kalaw C 0 0 1940
119 green queen E 0 0 1809
123 loveover E 0 0 1697
152 TarYarSaiLiu 0 0 1682
224 Paradise C 0 0 1559
80 Godless 0 0 1551
93 Spring Soul E 0 0 1447
93 winter soul E 0 0 1394
94 Assassin Brand 0 0 1335
95 Summer Soul E 0 0 1260
71 HninMoe Wai 0 0 1176
57 panamer E 0 0 1139
64 LuLuMinSwe 0 0 1094
129 EverSmile E 0 0 987
Event Time

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