Cape Landers

Est.2014, be friendly and active... last season top donation : Bono 30k, Minto 18k

War freq.:
L Name D R T
264 Sam Andrew_07 C 168 116 5110
274 titus C 264 788 5077
230 vks E 0 0 5015
290 Bono C 597 438 5003
253 ravik E 0 0 4971
251 Gilstern C 166 350 4951
222 ksv E 0 0 4936
250 roger613 E 791 58 4934
263 minto E 438 352 4907
226 Gilly E 324 216 4670
240 Reihaan L 473 371 4462
258 vira ji E 0 131 4448
238 RAJA THE GREAT E 88 55 4427
230 paul E 403 166 4295
199 VR07 108 81 3780
256 Frank E 0 0 3725
207 ferris E 269 299 3607
217 kameshKM 232 53 3199
228 RRAJESH E 57 80 3178
192 max E 0 0 3081
157 lingam sri 0 92 2984
125 BanG E 0 0 2934
223 Roger E 0 50 2866
185 Emperor E 0 0 2756
219 Ezhil Sam E 0 0 2596
150 Ajin@3 E 0 0 2490
178 mohamed Azhar 0 0 2476
172 Dino E 0 0 2474
243 Raggav E 0 83 2400
165 HarishAchaar 0 0 2331
244 Mist E 0 0 2318
149 Madhu E 0 0 2126
213 al_az E 0 0 2125
190 gabi E 0 0 2098
90 roger jr 0 599 2024
131 King Kong 0 0 1966
177 HUNTER E 0 0 1945
160 Nezy ;) E 0 0 1929
120 Ash 0 0 1875
134 fertia E 0 0 1850
196 Vinoth E 0 0 1490
167 warriors E 0 0 1400
87 MJ E 0 0 1339
169 Siris E 0 0 1229
63 wade 0 0 1199
110 akm0 2.0 0 0 987
Event Time

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