kicking pinay!!

Eyyy ka muna. Eyyy!!! 🤟

War freq.:
L Name D R T
257 Eyshiiii C 4582 4815 5258
215 Lexine C 1386 4790 5235
258 Eyshii 281 5867 5214
256 Eyshiii C 31 822 5190
241 Quinn 1046 453 5099
242 BLACK DRAGON 1677 2300 5054
239 -Cas- E 421 2008 4997
234 ririᐛ 337 859 4977
244 Joker 2636 3238 4971
221 мя.ѕну E 1104 0 4968
163 Eyshi 13089 2463 4923
204 ⭐️Mrs. Goldie⭐️ E 2425 2648 4901
252 MINDORO BOY E 1487 1945 4815
219 VHINZKHY E 0 0 4766
196 un4given E 0 0 4761
237 kbc26 L 796 4045 4734
248 MINDORO BOY 2 E 2399 1691 4728
221 Pogi C 151 3273 4492
216 MANGYAN 24 1686 1607 4449
181 Lexus 3986 140 4423
224 QuiNn 230 634 4384
209 ZERO 575 0 4367
227 LoreNne_08 E 0 1037 4154
205 Rioツ 969 277 3931
185 shakira 2267 1448 3757
243 QuiNn C 0 216 3742
207 mikekupz02 E 0 0 3569
229 TUPAC 1607 247 3550
211 king E 0 0 3379
223 kerji E 0 0 3140
205 Eugine E 0 1588 3097
232 EL PuNkZ E 0 0 2988
187 who's DARKSIDE? 362 217 2891
177 fujiwara05 0 0 2873
241 CNB™️ZEP gaming 1658 1432 2774
180 xChiin E 3307 166 2748
188 khayokhazie17@g E 158 83 2707
164 RayJoseph 0 0 2546
188 aci builder 30 83 2389
227 JulRich9 <3 0 0 2321
194 Aye :) 4298 445 2262
109 DanTheGreat 0 0 1850
137 B!gBo$$ 0 0 1572
67 PappiDan 0 0 1450
121 B!gBo$$ 0 0 1348
Event Time

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