
He was Mohammad PBUH ❤️

War freq.:
L Name D R T
273 jack sparrow L 682 925 5251
257 king of pirates E 780 869 5122
234 Emran Ferozi E 526 898 4913
248 prince C 3 133 4912
178 BarBossa E 4014 1194 4833
243 Burhan Fer0zi C 2566 5768 4799
214 ARCHILLES E 3378 0 4793
181 wasiullah khan C 804 2051 4711
231 AMIR AZIZI C 280 136 4214
247 MrR bOsS C 1103 146 3888
172 h0ney C 716 45 3566
147 Zaid Azizi E 0 2 3508
120 Sulaiman Atayee E 0 2089 3423
204 SanikPlayz 1343 697 3407
216 GHOST RIDER E 0 0 3360
112 TehRealPenguin E 257 259 3343
181 Amin C 0 0 3206
237 WARRIOR 40 0 3133
233 haji ihsan E 717 78 2985
172 Imran Rahimi E 306 665 2970
190 Big Boss C 36 829 2892
181 Mirkhel E 33 33 2789
161 @UNIDENTIFIED E 0 0 2713
197 THE HULK E 30 0 2629
144 rajdip E 0 0 2588
125 HULK C 0 0 2447
127 HUNTER TAKER E 0 0 2404
200 MR:)WaRrIoR E 0 0 2370
179 MR:)ShAhAbI E 0 0 2302
146 rajdip E 0 0 2161
120 MR:)LeGanD E 0 0 1975
130 bryan E 30 582 1946
150 LUCiFER E 0 0 1834
108 AFGANISTAN E 0 67 1758
144 MR:)MeRcEr 0 0 1676
100 Skywalker360 E 0 0 1599
92 Eagle 0 0 1599
158 ohthatguy 0 0 1566
74 A168 E 0 0 1462
77 Tiger 0 168 1418
91 Usman Shahabi E 0 0 1397
130 MäLÌKÅ 0 0 1381
104 BLACK PANTER E 0 0 1301
95 hamid E 0 0 1227
66 Alqueen E 0 0 1206
95 21 0 0 1178
122 APL E 0 0 1053
100 K..T..N E 0 0 627
5 Darya_Ahmadi E 0 10 104
Event Time

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