Pre-Paid VISA

We need new blood! Come join us! We're looking for active players for war and clan games.

War freq.:
L Name D R T
222 young metro C 750 413 5003
216 Death E 297 379 4963
234 matt C 493 0 4953
234 Leonitus C 661 30 4834
144 Lord_COC-rida E 0 78 4690
248 CEB E 30 0 4669
228 Alex_34 E 1 897 4631
164 FaZe_aedgy E 1620 288 4614
179 gavin 412 474 4478
198 Jaxs E 72 0 4455
236 Zambrotta L 297 1526 4445
209 neremy C 299 0 4385
187 UNCLE JOHN 0 0 4270
170 DannyPhams 121 0 4255
224 rajpoot warrior 0 0 4227
197 Camelopardalis E 318 806 4093
221 john E 50 0 3994
189 Raj E 0 106 3943
219 Nelson444 334 0 3876
202 caps E 829 156 3786
163 xXCHAMPIONXx E 421 0 3753
224 daddy C 420 242 3747
181 Jrfranco E 288 959 3735
167 mattymoy E 36 0 3731
153 skebb 0 0 3714
220 TimmyTimzz E 421 1039 3668
183 b0n_frosty 25 0 3637
181 deerp E 279 143 3620
230 easy gie C 0 260 3542
173 Jesand94 47 0 3525
216 Falcon32 351 0 3487
174 Henry E 47 640 3451
133 ARAKKAL ABU E 0 72 3447
175 ABDUL RAZIQ E 0 0 3405
193 huhu E 394 836 3365
196 TwIsTeD1 E 0 0 3351
130 martin 0 0 3316
173 kilay1989 0 83 3237
202 ST®OKE 0 83 3097
201 Palash E 0 581 3089
181 HG.Hill7th E 0 0 3039
132 MD Nahid Boss 0 148 2985
189 Syno C 3 0 2944
170 Epic Dragon 583 83 2880
125 DON'T TRY E 0 0 2794
193 robsquid 0 0 2749
140 Reigh joven 0 238 2314
172 Ed Bud C 176 40 2072
94 AARNAV 0 0 1921
213 Aloushi3 E 957 527 1839
Event Time

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