boy hugot

BOY WHOGOAT(2014).GAVE AND TAKE PLS!!! be active guise Pag dating sa classic waR or CWL.. ENJOY AND GOOD *******d bless you ALL...❤️

War freq.:
L Name D R T
227 chinoy E 0 0 4984
235 ⚡™ChanIx¿⚡ C 800 0 4962
215 AJ & C Y E 809 0 4953
256 Tini11 C 2062 380 4943
220 Bhu.ahNG E 349 0 4920
219 dezaienasia E 4526 4813 4865
205 dezaienasiajr, E 3506 4831 4851
239 LoneWolf34 E 0 1516 4843
224 kokoy E 0 0 4823
213 marZELL E 0 0 4818
211 kitzhumei E 1235 1112 4276
222 mAsTeR DC E 197 0 4133
216 black squid E 50 0 4019
183 VON DEFEATER 33 469 4006
213 L.A. E 0 0 3912
160 Hack-Dog E 0 338 3894
229 (@@)(wingskie) L 339 619 3887
232 Allu E 0 236 3676
227 nash C 570 857 3592
209 milon E 0 322 3343
181 ian13 E 433 738 3304
209 i_am_Trideb E 0 250 3252
176 Ghel E 0 0 3028
242 caleb C 931 0 2979
157 COVID20♥️COW♥️ E 48 0 2854
226 HubZ E 0 106 2820
227 ○paparon○ E 555 1601 2775
227 kittykiss:):):) C 378 0 2693
157 VonDutch4 0 597 2670
178 "babybob" 0 420 2623
166 COVID21♥️COW♥️ E 246 0 2581
218 BASAN E 215 226 2540
222 miakka.s.k C 652 0 2323
100 covzid➡️ E 3 0 2266
203 j*®_11™ 0 0 2068
80 ai E 0 303 2008
233 19_COVID_19 E 3187 0 1676
229 #City o' Love✌ E 151 0 1570
139 ALDUB@Ku 74 92 1508
Event Time

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