Only The Strong

Welcome Rules are simple Take part in clan capital,clan war league,clan raid and especially war We war back to back.In war attack your twin with first attack.Hold second attack for after the first 12 hours for cleanup unless directed by co or leader.

War freq.:
L Name D R T
183 Rd22868 726 30 4886
127 Wake E 227 0 4881
181 Tamzid 0 0 4855
98 ocean E 277 2891 4805
170 ranger E 753 1711 4589
204 dboishtr C 8577 1573 4469
207 S~A~H~I~L 15 47 4377
212 lexus_23 C 2510 2557 4228
210 iΤs_yA_βOi_sΤEw E 1487 355 4158
182 The HULK C 0 0 4113
167 lexus_03 E 3079 1820 3917
236 King Roeroe C 110 144 3887
142 hunter E 2 637 3879
139 Xpeke 2648 2959 3810
166 berna 590 1685 3692
175 thekingduke2003 0 0 3553
148 target down 1 0 3545
162 warhead 119 48 3505
206 Mo E 506 468 3375
218 asapzacky E 0 0 3368
179 ZKiller21 3513 5755 3295
131 arun rocks 0 218 3245
147 David 2 0 0 3080
203 Lawnguy C 955 0 3030
164 ask your mom L 1300 0 3005
100 lexuz_15 E 375 2422 2972
220 Pegug 4 694 1847 2959
142 Logan 42 0 2866
134 Likan 67 0 2780
148 vDamronn 0 0 2660
120 FireGamer 533 72 2510
132 Mad Dragon E 643 75 2490
118 SurferBoy E 321 256 2391
180 KURUNAI 300 714 2380
108 Rushed Roeroe E 0 166 2319
154 Ashericca :D 0 42 2295
157 FireGamer II 0 0 2092
151 the jacob C 0 0 2066
121 KingJerry$ C 31 0 1969
129 Nick Riselvato C 739 2345 1860
167 Arima Kousei 391 137 1422
Event Time

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