Bekar Young

“Warriors Wanted!🛡️🗡️,Let’s dominate together!❤️🔥😎” Bekar Young is a war-focused clan with a strong strategy.We expect higher town hall members to participate in wars & CWL.⚔️Elder free,active & donate regularly & must complete clan games points.

War freq.:
L Name D R T
223 Zubaer E 1760 792 4917
220 SILENT KILLER E 293 477 4915
207 SD JOY E 1204 2350 4870
256 EXPOSER C 13123 4199 4866
120 Ninja E 33 1137 4276
190 sourav ak47 E 0 636 4162
223 EmLyn.GONZALES E 0 0 4049
188 bek xan E 0 307 3861
168 AL ZUBAER E 670 1268 3725
236 sumswa L 109 1214 3552
200 agians E 453 2836 3527
197 GUNSHOT OP E 30 0 3458
219 ❤️MR.ANISH❤️ C 188 580 3378
160 DanielNiland01 E 286 293 3268
210 SANDEEPAN C 3974 1353 3240
176 jose E 0 0 3236
175 himanshu 0 0 3165
213 alain akash.... C 53 0 3066
210 Beeba Boy E 115 323 3064
178 Su R C 672 428 3026
209 Dr. DOOM C 0 156 2890
213 Tapas city 0 0 2832
201 ŠÉŁÎM the ĎÔÑ C 0 308 2793
171 The Exposer C 0 969 2732
131 Anish 2 C 0 385 2607
214 ⚔️Suvankar's CT C 0 0 2574
182 kallol boss E 0 0 2512
116 dragon dam E 0 0 2506
149 EXPOSER JUNIOR C 0 999 2483
168 Sandy The Boss C 0 969 2460
137 Dark Warrior 0 0 2321
177 prabhat roy C 0 0 2258
153 PANKAJ 0 112 2257
138 laltu Ghosh 0 0 2146
111 pàppü E 0 256 2095
210 ROLEX C 0 616 2074
122 Samiran's Town C 0 0 2032
89 das C 0 0 1425
48 ANISH€2 C 0 0 744
Event Time

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