Looking for active new members. War clan

United States
War freq.:
L Name D R T
258 hoffmann50 C 154 0 4106
245 Green Knight C 92 0 3688
230 Useless C 0 0 3668
223 Vlad E 0 0 3524
230 mind moulder C 0 0 3472
237 Dumbledore 0 0 3407
233 CaliberJP E 0 0 3258
176 PVG 0 246 3240
234 jfinster1987 0 0 3216
141 Floppy Socks 0 0 3024
227 evang 0 0 2996
193 XxsAwYeRxX 0 0 2968
142 nono E 0 0 2932
148 Isaac 0 0 2674
206 CoachGuell 0 0 2660
198 master 0 0 2602
165 JFin 0 0 2591
199 Riska L 0 0 2536
156 ALL-AMER1C4N_80 E 0 0 2496
169 Xeam Jian 0 0 2461
148 schula 0 0 2398
133 toceng 0 0 2322
145 jfinalt 0 0 2302
132 SirScrotor 0 0 2246
98 Mesa E 0 0 2244
148 Sarb 1 0 0 2213
155 Eli McMahon 0 0 2082
126 srhy.luna 0 0 2008
142 orhan 0 0 1986
113 Griffin 0 0 1928
114 mr_crabs_2 0 0 1795
131 Alex 0 0 1768
107 Dobby C 0 0 1746
114 Kyv 0 0 1707
65 Grif 0 0 1506
92 Lilhoffyboy12 C 0 0 1417
94 CrazMia17 E 0 0 1399
98 Ed made me 0 0 1363
103 Breezy 0 0 1004
45 Avery 0 0 743
Event Time

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