Dragron Rose

Hello and welcome to Dragon Rose. We are a sister clan to Reborn. Inception date is 2/2/2017. Elder is earned by 500 donations. Co-leader is for loyal active players. Attack in wars, cwl & play clan games. Donate troops. We are an active can.

United States
War freq.:
L Name D R T
240 William C 132 290 5053
221 stuart58 E 0 0 4904
265 Dark£lixirQueen L 461 0 4797
231 beast C 0 0 4131
228 Dragonborn C 98 0 4082
233 Pumpkin C 58 0 3969
190 Fire Dragoon E 15 0 3933
245 Destroyer C 99 168 3150
237 beastmaster C 0 0 3139
191 I a n C 42 156 3048
220 Zelda C 0 0 2978
133 X-_Fox11_-X 2 0 2975
164 Kallel 0 0 2971
156 Chad3.0 C 0 0 2843
196 Lisa Behreness C 0 0 2810
190 Bailey's Mama C 0 0 2797
185 NightWing E 0 0 2737
148 CrazyCatLady❤️ C 0 0 2735
170 Lisa C 0 0 2687
171 BellaArcherGirl C 0 0 2682
159 Autumn Rain C 0 0 2673
115 Freedom Fighter E 0 0 2669
164 »FallenTrees« E 0 0 2658
166 Chad2.0 C 0 0 2583
103 Ms. B❤ C 0 0 2470
186 Seahawks C 0 0 2470
182 Kirito 0 0 2462
107 Sadie C 0 0 2324
173 MMama T C 0 0 2307
160 julia C 0 0 2238
164 Khaleesi C 0 0 2049
80 rana 0 67 2045
87 Queen❤️ C 0 0 1879
94 Cartman C 0 0 1761
102 solo_jefe 0 132 1747
98 MidgetFighting 0 0 1725
92 JuneBug❤ C 0 0 1698
143 CRF VASHA YT C 0 0 1694
130 sana 0 94 1550
98 >>Cheese<< 0 0 1528
90 LisaMarie❤ C 0 0 1394
72 Beastyang5 0 0 1243
75 Hexabex 0 0 1091
Event Time

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