falken clashers

worldwide clasher's

War freq.:
L Name D R T
93 Alfie 64 L 2689 9565 4988
146 KeanNathalia C 10338 1403 3016
226 lourd of coc C 296 556 2958
126 superkean 0 0 2009
143 boss kean 0 0 1911
127 muñoz2 0 0 1664
114 spain 0 0 1539
83 wall breaker 0 0 1507
118 lebron64 0 0 1466
114 swish64 0 0 1418
120 master chief 0 0 1398
118 dwade03 0 0 1395
42 Pistons 81 294 1223
42 Bulls 119 486 1201
40 Hornets 27 249 1200
40 Cavaliers 75 368 1149
39 Mavericks 66 253 1145
41 celtics 44 289 1140
41 hawks 38 314 1135
40 Nuggets 101 122 1089
82 goblinator 0 0 1031
35 Pacers 63 186 1007
37 Warriors64 124 95 991
96 Dishwalla C 0 0 985
36 Lakers 129 109 968
34 Timberwolves 144 134 967
47 aa 0 0 933
37 Rockets64 122 164 920
35 Clippers 88 78 875
36 Heat 72 105 848
30 Pelicans 224 110 769
31 Nets 139 117 761
33 Bucks 114 123 742
28 Faith over fear 0 40 714
47 idris 0 0 698
32 Grizzlies 62 60 681
30 MORGAN II 0 0 658
23 MiniG 0 0 649
37 ByDiego 0 0 630
22 Knicks 115 50 620
13 Pablorte JR 0 0 510
4 Porsche 0 0 105
4 Lancer 0 0 101
3 Toyota 0 0 95
4 Ferrari 0 0 0
1 SUBARU 0 0 0
5 Mustang 0 0 0
3 Lamborghini 0 0 0
3 Nissan 0 0 0
Event Time

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