
# started on 9/1/2015 # follow the clan rules and give respect to every clan members.# Help eachotr with use ur war attacks

War freq.:
L Name D R T
227 santhosh C 1338 1017 4666
192 PedrosBodyguard E 35 156 4656
217 thunder striker C 92 0 4388
234 Ya$$aR E 1414 1510 4223
231 Mani Dinesh E 638 0 4187
237 GANY L 232 1323 4021
230 Dan E 30 0 4011
203 WaRLorD E 338 0 3942
195 I_am_Nikola 0 50 3937
215 karthi E 1274 381 3571
186 Jexanne0.2 E 0 666 3318
244 Ñïrmãl Th€ KîñG C 725 1349 3308
150 dykos 0 170 3282
204 Rocker E 68 211 3240
107 Mayo_Monkey 0 102 3188
96 Jibon 0 0 3181
188 snow 0 81 3152
171 Bikram Lama 0 78 3116
185 G K S E 0 166 3090
177 Méłvíń E 1724 0 3077
182 MSDKP07 60 389 3008
187 joshan Fernando E 2 494 2946
173 jexanne E 0 93 2872
221 karthik E 0 71 2848
237 C Jay C 2052 120 2811
210 hari 0 50 2788
191 karthickappu 63 821 2763
223 Gowtham E 326 166 2741
135 jio 0 0 2726
191 Dhilip✌ E 540 567 2661
198 Nirmal JNC C 201 672 2460
163 ®ohith®j E 284 431 2443
182 Pranav 0 0 2397
123 S U R A J 0 0 2343
231 ajay C 727 0 2328
88 Dinesh 0 978 2245
212 Caiden 0 461 2124
119 Rappersoft E 0 0 2053
219 EVA 637 0 2032
157 john abison E 0 0 2024
143 dianz E 133 154 2000
148 ***kaushik*** E 0 0 1898
83 PepaVasil 0 0 1570
73 Thansihka E 0 199 1314
141 GANY C 404 158 1143
215 praveen7 E 730 123 1102
Event Time

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