
Welcome to ''REVENGE''. Don't ask for promotion, Or you'll be get kicked out of the clan. Just maintain some rules: 1. Respect each other, 2.Always try to donate(max troops), 3.Use both of your attack on war(try to make 6 star), Stay cool and enjoy😘

War freq.:
L Name D R T
211 Md Ibrahim 1659 745 4803
197 Md Faruk E 0 0 4433
196 dj E 0 0 4152
249 Prince Rakib C 467 0 3995
234 Omar Sadik C 0 0 3977
175 ALSO E 73 0 3949
258 Nayem Ahmed L 265 1156 3890
145 B2k Al Amin Bie 123 1616 3861
250 SHADOW C 2 0 3815
187 Dark Lord E 863 669 3779
125 Parves E 0 98 3641
188 Ace 0 0 3613
208 pakhi C 0 0 3589
208 big boss C 75 717 3487
165 Rohan E 0 0 3354
182 ROBIN HOOD 2.0 E 0 72 3341
227 Julfikar C 1523 933 3299
210 Noyan Roy C 0 156 3245
213 Nayem (rush) 2 E 1117 66 3145
190 Saiful E 0 0 3014
195 MD ShaMiM E 0 0 2939
179 FAHIM E 0 78 2919
230 £yashin sarker C 0 0 2875
205 ياسر Yasir C 0 209 2849
224 HAMID→The King E 0 0 2849
217 ★★★AR Rony★★★ E 0 0 2775
240 Mushfik C 319 242 2739
186 ইয়াসির E 0 0 2710
132 Concurring E 741 649 2689
229 Neymar Jr E 81 0 2615
150 md shadat E 0 0 2602
142 Dany Sam E 65 125 2596
208 HABIB E 0 0 2579
194 M S KHAN E 75 0 2499
156 *Nayla Nayem* E 0 77 2454
191 rasa E 0 0 2418
127 Nayem (rush) E 0 196 2387
206 Angry bird E 3 0 2379
152 Md Nayem E 0 0 2376
152 Nayem Nayem E 0 77 2355
181 DEWAN C 0 0 2310
160 Shahin E 0 0 2299
224 MD ASHRAFUL C 1319 1147 2297
199 King E 461 0 2064
159 Prince Rakib II E 52 0 1913
153 Prince Rakib IV E 0 0 1812
132 RaKiB E 0 0 1615
132 Habib don E 0 0 1553
135 master rasa 0 0 1303
41 Foyezz E 0 255 844
Event Time

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