
CLAN untuk player aktif WAR, CWL, permainan clan & ibukota clan.. attack WAR 2x, permainan clan min 1500 poin, penyerbuan mingguan ibukota wajib 5x-6x attack.. "berani Req berani Donasi !! WAR selasa & jumat & Sabtu salam Clasher 🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩

War freq.:
L Name D R T
215 termin E 30 0 5085
207 satria_756 C 643 0 4959
172 ✴Big hero 6✴ E 6 154 4924
228 KING OF THEDARK E 80 198 4783
234 Sanjaya jr C 142 0 4614
185 Farrelljosia_ 0 0 4606
226 suted E 767 0 4488
159 ~Strongers~ E 81 1 4391
180 Fire The Empire E 77 0 4289
181 shee golun E 0 124 4212
186 FALCAO..2 E 0 241 4024
174 MR_X E 0 78 3931
194 SIAP SIAGA 86 C 60 0 3692
165 $1nT0¥ 0 0 3667
148 see blank E 0 248 3632
195 Sanja 0 50 3553
212 Erplog#73 E 0 0 3537
153 MRVillaN E 77 77 3537
161 KUJANG E 40 0 3514
145 KINGsharks× E 0 261 3511
210 4ngelly C 0 0 3411
152 PENG sitorus 162 224 3392
164 R200122D E 0 335 3284
211 Goesti_senopati C 0 0 3237
129 MRPABLO E 77 77 3191
202 DIAN KOWOH L 0 0 3185
200 """""VIA""""" E 0 0 3153
154 MRKING E 78 0 3105
175 getukk 0 0 3060
160 _FARHAN_ E 0 0 2860
151 rich E 0 0 2832
151 Baby bee E 0 0 2819
173 mdrasel E 15 93 2803
159 YT AMAS EDITZ 0 0 2800
163 AGENT_007 C 0 0 2779
153 the Mummy C 0 0 2756
168 icikiwir ilir E 29 47 2718
153 Queen Bee E 0 0 2640
150 Asta 0 0 2563
126 PUDING 0 0 2485
136 Dewa • Kulkas ツ E 0 0 2426
145 Saraph ² 0 0 2417
162 SONIA E 0 0 2407
140 Dewa • Kipas ツ E 0 0 2344
130 Falkon_Boy 0 0 2259
147 mata_dalam_98 E 0 0 2230
109 Alin77 0 174 2179
136 Ebony E 0 0 1863
106 SAPI TERBANG E 0 0 1859
Event Time

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