Osthir clan

It’s an extreme and friendly clan. You don't have to be so hyperactive about everything, just try to complete the task with your best. Be assured that you’ll hardly be yelled at if failed to get 3 star in regular war and war league attacks. Welcome ❤

War freq.:
L Name D R T
181 Md Rocky E 30 42 4634
205 md rinku E 212 136 4202
226 MD.IZTEHAD ABID L 10 0 3217
220 FAZLY RABBI C 138 113 2982
188 FAISAL PARVES C 0 0 2823
195 Mental E 0 0 2795
80 rakhan E 136 154 2540
163 MD.IZTEHAD ABID C 10 0 2508
160 ✌NIAJ✌ E 0 0 2234
148 Rex E 0 0 2177
105 Badsha E 0 0 2170
129 5. I. ABID C 0 0 2079
159 1. I. ABID C 0 0 2043
141 2. I. ABID E 0 0 2011
144 A.A.A. E 0 0 1972
141 3. I. ABID E 0 0 1834
84 Olivia Banson C 0 0 1714
91 NOODLES E 0 0 1651
129 4. I. ABID E 0 0 1594
79 ARIF6566 E 0 66 1586
82 Elliott Stabler E 0 0 1541
111 L. Pessi E 0 0 1523
78 Clasher E 0 0 1511
78 Osama B. Laden E 0 0 1483
89 Uranium-238 E 0 0 1458
84 Nitrobenzene E 0 0 1368
121 King of Kings E 0 0 1313
111 C. Goblinaldo E 0 0 1300
95 XsaulX 0 0 1240
104 Ukil_69 E 0 0 1220
131 sojib islam E 0 0 1158
15 SISTER MINNIE 0 25 610
Event Time

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