we max events, have maxxed capital, war constantly. we have fun. war particpiation is optional. and we can coach you on attacks. just want everyone to have fun!

War freq.:
L Name D R T
248 Amorak C 6 0 5045
235 Tank C 449 173 4977
212 Metzger777 C 460 582 4923
159 Chach E 1156 261 4862
211 SweatyFever C 161 557 4819
246 SKULLBREAKER L 1544 1045 4814
175 SKULLBREAKER 2 C 1502 693 4388
247 MAG C 7 290 4213
252 rach C 0 0 4067
170 SKULLBREAKER 3 C 1100 631 3706
126 Meister777 E 76 359 3670
224 foxtrot E 69 0 3634
148 langster E 0 0 3622
178 TylerH 81 0 0 3612
242 Pete YNWA C 60 0 3605
139 suka 0 0 3366
166 LORDS FOREVER E 82 75 3315
151 Luke Skywalker C 0 0 3077
145 SKULLBREAKER 4 E 664 426 2962
198 ROCKER C 0 0 2897
192 MR.HJ 0 0 2853
146 Texan Kenobi C 0 443 2826
157 HamzaA 0 0 2758
205 Jeff E 0 0 2707
188 master chief C 50 122 2706
200 Atomic E 0 0 2657
169 APEX SAUCER 0 0 2632
180 ashu E 0 0 2603
117 SKULLBREAKER 5 E 52 288 2543
161 Ariowe 0 0 2488
122 rach 2 E 0 0 2343
209 richie C 0 0 2213
105 jacob 1 0 2203
165 james 0 0 2125
226 Ragnarok C 0 0 2121
170 Angus 0 0 2068
158 jeff E 0 0 1973
120 Lv99aSimpleQW 0 0 1960
99 TANKBREAKER 0 119 1899
110 FastFever C 0 144 1893
123 R3DN3Ck_Slayer E 0 288 1876
96 hayysstack 0 0 1821
104 Fever2 0 0 1607
119 jack mac 0 0 1469
97 Zander 0 0 1461
87 RushingFever 0 943 1417
82 TheotherNobi E 0 0 1417
35 Shift 0 0 600
23 hollomaster 0 0 516
Event Time

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