530 MisFits

🏏 MUST participate in Clan Games 🌟 500 points minimum in games 💥 Keep Opt In/Out updated & make both war hits

United States
War freq.:
L Name D R T
251 the old man C 101 352 5019
281 whitefijian L 1902 1941 4636
245 Dom C 106 641 4438
212 Blue Baron 0 0 4062
227 DevilsAmongus E 0 581 4009
235 jam818 E 0 0 3972
263 white C 2571 1138 3934
232 moose C 260 324 3694
223 Ash Larry C 298 248 3626
198 NuclearVampire 17 0 3623
212 Baldy 0 332 3569
236 Knuckles C 0 646 3422
192 BigRed 0 0 3176
217 tony E 934 360 2840
206 BoomShakaLaka C 59 0 2804
210 /G0mer\ C 0 0 2794
204 Grizzly E 398 45 2781
214 CBR SR E 0 0 2770
258 Slim Shadier C 994 855 2692
251 GIGANTOR C 0 0 2535
206 mexicothekid 0 0 2518
198 Rooster 0 0 2429
207 Dan 0 0 2406
226 bikeman C 0 0 2404
161 jonathan 0 0 2345
157 :[Indy 84]: 0 0 2294
205 Nachos C 3 0 1952
143 Jasan 0 0 1944
113 the old man2 0 0 1938
218 magooz 512 692 1911
118 Luke 0 0 1752
194 Mohadib E 0 0 1525
112 Li 0 0 1334
90 thunder wreck 0 0 1325
73 bruh 0 0 1199
104 jamest_121 0 0 1129
81 Veloguy 0 0 1085
Event Time

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