Goblinhood War

Welcome all player who like to play in clan war to join us! Use both attacks and help each other. Lastly, have fun and clash ON!

War freq.:
L Name D R T
240 Eton L 30 0 4543
227 caius C 0 0 3168
210 Yoko C 53 0 3079
218 raidedagain? C 0 0 2843
170 profro E 0 0 2801
117 Enderbrine 0 0 2765
163 profro E 0 0 2747
235 breezy wind C 0 0 2737
218 绝世妖孽 C 0 0 2726
152 Element E 110 214 2684
242 VinZai C 229 186 2668
173 minx queen 0 0 2601
219 winniethepooh C 0 0 2586
171 Tgk C 0 0 2537
175 bigbossvktr C 0 0 2516
177 @shaktiman 0 0 2424
170 hmnij E 0 0 2348
161 哆啦A梦 0 0 2326
131 Nikhil 0 0 2193
220 Thor E 0 0 2190
189 **Batman** E 0 0 2162
163 babypolarbear 0 0 2130
140 Spiderman E 0 0 2040
115 天才之主 0 0 1904
127 MELVIN THE LORD 0 0 1841
131 mamix34 0 0 1790
176 phony E 0 0 1747
143 dristeng E 0 0 1744
124 DetDav 0 0 1743
226 傲世魔尊 C 0 0 1581
144 Domex yt 0 0 1512
109 Fors 0 0 1470
158 Hellsoul E 0 0 1459
161 Puppypower E 0 0 1368
125 NickSin 0 0 1296
78 Pandapandaeye E 0 0 1296
77 giogi E 0 0 1175
90 littlebirdfish E 0 0 1169
38 Aurora 0 0 589
Event Time

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