Kings of Desert

اهلا وسهلا بالجميع اهم شي الدعم وتلعب مباريات القبيلة

United Arab Emirates
War freq.:
L Name D R T
222 ,,Abdulmalik,, C 1963 536 4958
224 taoufik C 20 53 4519
142 ابو الوليد9 E 853 945 3551
140 scorpion E 0 0 2869
192 ابو وسام E 0 0 2856
95 From zero 0 0 2856
212 hamody kuritbi E 394 156 2633
204 رمال الشاطئ C 0 0 2514
129 yousof E 1 216 2500
161 the ghost E 0 0 2429
131 3lia 0 72 2284
236 molham66 C 268 0 2244
165 Aly yacoup 0 0 2238
66 ابو القعقاع 33 122 2225
129 VIP AL3RYANI E 0 0 2181
60 castial95 E 162 891 2154
156 ali 0 0 2035
150 atous 0 0 1976
193 rana C 0 0 1962
187 M.mohamed L 0 0 1941
58 ABD E 46 88 1912
81 Zooz E 18 66 1819
88 Чипсикон 1 0 1819
44 Bassam H E 100 434 1782
80 TASHAWESH E 0 91 1767
163 monzer C 0 0 1705
89 xp E 0 0 1549
120 The GHOST ARMY 0 0 1547
136 kabha 0 0 1535
150 zoya_hero C 0 0 1517
85 yahia E 0 0 1487
114 SATAN 0 0 1443
106 D R A C U L A E 0 0 1363
48 Abo Hasan E 0 104 1337
60 madi E 0 0 1274
123 MohaN.13 0 0 1237
81 khouloud C 0 0 1074
91 mostafa E 0 0 994
61 munzer 2 C 0 0 761
Event Time

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