Clan Ziger

WELCOM TO CLAN ZIGER note:no kutu no eiglible war wajib att 2x yg tdk war maka kita skorsin nngak ikut war 1x donate dan reques seimbangkan join minimal th 8 max MAKASSAR EWAKO SETIA sampai mati. marhaban ya ramadhan 1438 h.

War freq.:
L Name D R T
167 tol tol 0 0 4711
246 risky/riska L 228 0 4685
196 BRAND_@LL-2BAD C 30 0 4556
202 king hasrul C 0 0 4294
173 BOSTIG.M.ILYAS C 289 30 4159
140 pajjaiang 07 E 3 0 3940
215 Inaidil C 99 288 3840
189 kang mus C 138 286 3710
155 DRDG 0 0 3337
236 NAVAL C 76 306 3280
241 MR.AGUS01 E 45 29 3244
220 Sang Roy x1 C 20 58 3091
207 Iqbal jhi C 0 0 3063
222 lisda C 13 0 2814
189 Nur Fahira E 0 0 2669
85 nusabangsa C 48 0 2574
143 MrZombie C 0 0 2535
196 l SD l Gilang 0 0 2412
123 Arya Wiguna E 0 0 2388
135 Mephisto. 0 0 2371
167 AYU ANGGRENY01 E 0 0 2353
157 Arsyila E 0 0 2326
120 andhyyyy23 0 0 2315
112 muh isa C 0 0 2298
127 JAGOAN G E 0 0 2266
189 MhmmdIkhzan E 0 0 2241
136 !PlanKt0nJR! E 0 0 2219
170 Shawon Ahamed E 0 0 2211
141 Hashu 0 0 2193
164 Azhari putra 0 0 2177
160 putri E 0 0 2167
163 ayuputrinunu01 C 0 0 2160
156 OTTI●LOLO 0 0 1951
127 " rhechudo " E 0 0 1896
114 Rezky Tatzuya 0 0 1893
122 savige E 0 0 1871
107 WeeeLl 0 0 1721
100 My Projec E 0 0 1703
184 mr roy E 0 0 1670
126 izaL 888 C 0 0 1583
117 GUCCI SPEED C 0 0 1419
114 FerdiMKS 0 0 1378
55 aedil 0 0 1316
47 bangsa indonesi 0 0 1121
51 Farhan E 8 0 1049
Event Time

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