
aloha hawaii... donate n fight in war...👉🏽🦑 ah🤙🏽

U.S. Outlying Islands
War freq.:
L Name D R T
203 RicoDaGreat C 0 0 2841
198 Dlegit C 0 0 2757
146 4aba7 0 0 2688
206 kriss C 0 45 2638
223 brian L 0 0 2575
138 HardcoreTrash E 0 0 2349
214 EZELYF C 80 45 2294
147 jayden E 0 0 2043
53 gohan beast 0 0 1769
142 Lava Hound 0 0 1730
64 black panther 0 26 1631
99 undertaker 0 0 1610
96 FRUZZER YUGAM 0 0 1559
99 SYFERUS E 0 0 1520
86 KING YUGAM 0 0 1513
145 LadyAislinn 0 0 1460
98 anjan E 0 0 1455
121 ryetoast08 0 0 1440
82 Dog 0 0 1408
73 Danik001 0 0 1391
88 goku_sama 0 0 1379
194 ulumaika C 0 0 1368
83 aaradhy 0 0 1354
73 STRAVE X 0 0 1349
108 RHEAMASTERMIND5 0 0 1341
84 QHAIRA AFIA 0 0 1323
88 Parv2158 0 0 1285
119 Amra Dragneel 0 0 1285
106 Prince 0 0 1189
77 ဇင္ E 0 0 1148
96 Ricodagreat E 71 35 1146
55 Kingston 0 0 1105
67 Swaritgamer17 0 0 1103
56 성syo 0 0 1093
83 Priya E 0 0 1046
37 dovla 0 0 989
63 SÜLEYMAN 0 0 925
48 Gujarati manso 0 0 897
49 SS GAMING 0 0 868
63 VIKING_THOR 0 0 866
68 Jai 0 0 858
54 Jarwinson 0 0 851
59 king E 0 0 843
43 boshkalay 0 0 818
56 harsh 0 0 817
61 |Drei lang 0 0 788
49 you 0 0 730
28 ducky X 0 0 723
34 un poule 0 0 679
36 vedant 0 0 591
Event Time

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